
Forums for Appealing Claims Under the Contracts Dispute Act

The Contract Disputes Act (CDA) of 1978, applicable to claims arising under or relating to U.S. federal government contracts, provides contractors a choice of forum to appeal an adverse final decision by a federal contracting officer (CO). Before filing a contract claim against the government, it is helpful to remember the CO’s dual role in the federal procurement process. Under the CDA, the CO represents the government as a party to the contract and renders decisions on claims arising under or relating to that contract.

When disputes arise under the performance of government contracts, contractors may invoke the procedures of the CDA by presenting a claim to the CO. While the CDA does not expressly define a claim – in order to receive a final decision from the CO, contractors’ claim to the CO must be in writing, provide adequate notice to the government of the basis for the demands and relief sought, while clearly requesting a decision from the CO. Upon the issuance of the CO’s final decision, a prime contractor on a federal government contract can challenge the decision by filing a suit at the Court of Federal Claims (COFC) or through an appeal filed at a federal board of contract appeals.

Both the Court and the Boards present unique considerations, limitations, and advantages to contractors seeking to appeal an adverse CO’s final decision. COFC and the contract appeals boards are not bound by each other's precedent.

o Court of Federal Claims

Under 28 U.S.C. § 798 COFC is permitted to hold court anywhere in the U.S. using a federal court or comparable GSA-administered facilities. As a court of national jurisdiction, COFC may hear matters under the CDA for claims arising under or related to federal contracts. In appropriate circumstances, court proceedings may be held in a foreign country if the laws of that country do not prohibit such proceedings. Boards of contract claims decisions are not binding on COFC, whereas federal circuit and supreme court decisions are. Contractors have one year from the date of the CO’s adverse decision to file their complaint at COFC. COFC decisions may be appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

o Contract Appeals Boards

The agency that issued the contract in question determines which board of contract appeals will handle a contract appeal. Contractors have a much shorter 90-day time frame for filing their contract appeals at the boards if they decide to appeal the unfavorable decision made by the CO to a board of contract appeals. Contractors may appeal the Board of Contracts Appeals’ decision to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit within 120 days. As the name suggests, the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) has jurisdiction over Department of Defense (DOD) agency contracts and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contracts. Meanwhile, the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA) has jurisdiction over appeals of federal civilian agencies' contracts. The Postal Services Board of Contract Appeals (PSBCA) has jurisdiction over postal service contracts. Finally, also established under the CDA, the Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Contract Appeals (TVA-BCA) resolves appeals arising out of Tennessee Valley Authority contracts.

This Federal Contract Claims Insight is provided as a general summary of the applicable law in the practice area and does not constitute legal advice. Contractors wishing to learn more are encouraged to consult the TILLIT LAW PLLC Client Portal or Contact Us to determine how the law would apply in a specific situation.

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Subcontractors under U.S. federal contracts cannot generally sue the government directly as they lack privity of contract with the government. Privity refers to a legal concept describing a relationship or nexus between contracting parties. The government often utilizes a two-tiered contracting system for procurements where it enters into a contract with the prime contractor that, in turn, contracts with subcontractor(s) to fulfill contractual requirements. Thus, in a federal contract, the government only has a privity of contract with the prime contractor, creating a legal buffer between the government and the subcontractor. Since subcontractors are not in privity with the government, the government does not waive its sovereign immunity, and subcontractors may not bring direct claims against the government.

However, as with most rules in U.S. federal contracting, the no subcontractor privity rule has its exceptions. These exceptions require that subcontractors looking to bring direct claims against the government must first establish a privity of contract with the government. That is, the contractor must successfully demonstrate that it explicitly or implicitly entered into a contract with the government.


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While there are ways in which subcontractors may achieve privity of contract, they may not generally bring direct claims against the Government due to a lack of privity. Therefore, subcontractor claims against the Government are typically asserted by prime contractors as pass-through claims. However, prime contractors may only bring such pass-through claims if they meet the requirements of the Severin Doctrine. First articulated by the Court of Claims in 1943, the Severin Doctrine bars pass-through subcontractor claims unless the prime contractor itself remains liable to claims by the subcontractor. While the Severin Doctrine has evolved through its application to various pass-through claims scenarios, at its outset, it barred the assertion of pass-through claims unless the prime contractor either reimbursed the subcontractor due to the Government’s fault or was at least liable to make such a reimbursement in the future.

Based on the principles of sovereign acts immunity and privity of contract as applied to government contracts, the Severin Doctrine requires the prime contractor to have at least some demonstrable exposure to subcontractor liability. To prevent pass-through claims through this affirmative defense, the Government typically points to any provisions in the subcontract that tend to exculpate the prime contractor from liability to the subcontractor. When entering teaming arrangements, contractors should be aware that if the subcontract agreement contains a clause completely or specifically exonerating a prime contractor from liability to the subcontractor for pertinent damages, then the prime contractor may not assert a related pass-through claim against the Government. Prime contractors are similarly barred from asserting pass-through claims if the subcontract specifically extinguishes prime contractor liability upon the meeting of certain requirements, such as the subcontractor being granted additional time or the acceptance of final payment.


The government may terminate a federal contract if the contractor fails to meet its contractual obligations. The contracting officer (CO), in such cases, issues a final decision terminating the contract for default and outlines the reasons for the default. In the event of a termination for default, the government is only liable to the contractor for the portion of the contract that was already performed. While the CO may exercise discretion to terminate a contract for default, such a decision is appealable to the Board of Contract Appeals or the Court of Federal Claims (COFC) pursuant to the Contract Disputes Act (CDA). The CO’s decision to terminate may be set aside by the adjudicative forum if it is arbitrary, capricious, or constitutes an abuse of the CO’s discretion. For instance, a decision to terminate for default may be arbitrary and capricious if there is a lack of nexus between the CO’s decision to terminate the contract for default and the contractor’s performance on the contract. In such situations, while the concerned adjudicative forum may lack the ability to provide injunctive relief, it may nevertheless convert the CO’s default termination to one for the government’s convenience.


Appealing Contractor Claims Under the Contracts Dispute Act

TILLIT LAW Federal Contract Claims Insights