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As outside counsel, the firm's role is often more than providing zealous representation and dependable counsel to our clients. As a solo-practice, the firm's relationship with its clients is an ongoing partnership in their success. The firm consistently provide its clients and prospective clients with impactful insights on public procurement topics and developments relevant to their industry in a timely fashion.
TILLIT LAW PLLC's government contracts law and regulations resources provide helpful insights and practical perspectives so the firm's clients can successfully navigate the constantly evolving complex regulatory environment impacting them. TILLIT LAW's exclusive selection of internally developed content is directly influenced by what the firm's past, current, and prospective clients find helpful.
Whether you are a seasoned government contractor or a newcomer to the industry, TILLIT LAW encourages all its clients to use the "Clients" section of our site regularly to stay informed about stories, trends, and developments most impacting their businesses. The firm's Featured Insights Articles are categorized so clients and prospective clients may stay informed about the latest developments in federal procurement law and easily find relevant information about topics of present interest.
If you are a prospective TILLIT LAW client, you are invited to read or listen to the firm's Featured Insights articles and analysis on our focused federal contracts law related practice areas. You can find the firm's most recent Featured Insights articles on this page or navigate to a category of interest using the links below. The firm always welcomes your feedback and suggestions for relevant topics.
The Importance of Implied Contractual Duties in Joint Venture Agreements
Sareesh Rawat, Esq.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) mentor-protégé program allows experienced firms to pair with smaller firms to form separate joint venture (JV) entities to pursue federal government contracts. The mentor and protégé firms enter into a JV agreement to meet the program’s regulatory...
moreSurviving Government Motions to Dismiss Based on the Sum Certain Requirement
Sareesh Rawat, Esq.
A Contract Disputes Act (CDA) claim meets the mandatory “sum certain” requirement when the contractor has submitted to the contracting officer (CO) a clear and unequivocal statement that gives the CO adequate notice of the basis and amount of the claim. While the CDA provides no definition of a...
morePost-Award Challenges to Flawed Best-Value Tradeoff Analyses
Sareesh Rawat, Esq.
Under best-value evaluation schemes, government evaluators are typically required to qualitatively assess the offerors’ proposals based on the stated evaluation criteria in the solicitation to determine which proposal represents the best value to the government. If the evaluation scheme provides...
moreCountering Post-hoc Rationalizations in Government Contracts Disputes
Sareesh Rawat, Esq.
When reviewing an agency’s procurement actions, adjudicative forums such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) typically consider various materials and information in the record. Such materials may include arguments the agency and contractor raised during litigation, explanations of...