Primary Practice Areas

Federal Procurement Outside Counsel

We provide our federal contractor clients with efficient, tailored and cost-effective federal procurement outside counsel services throughout the contract lifecycle. In choosing TILLIT LAW PLLC, our clients can rest assured knowing that their matters are being handled with the utmost knowledge and practical understanding of all statutory and regulatory complexities confronting them.

We understand the unique challenges faced by contractors in providing products, services, and construction services to the federal government. Therefore, regardless of their industry, we are committed to being a full-service law firm for our clients’ federal contracting matters. We provide outside counsel services with a focus on the following areas.

  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Small Business Issues
  • Internal Investigations & Audits
  • International Procurement
  • Conflict of Interest Issues

Experienced contractors understand that hiring external counsel with a focus on specific areas of federal procurement matters is not only more cost-effective but also leads to a higher rate of positive outcomes. Additionally, avoiding expending internal resources for infrequently encountered legal issues allows contractors to maintain a leaner structure while accessing specialized expertise when needed. We work with in-house counsel or directly with the contractor executive team to resolve particularized federal procurement compliance and regulatory issues.

We understand the unique challenges faced by small businesses in obtaining and performing federal procurement contracts. As part of our commitment to providing excellent outside counsel services for federal contractors of all sizes, we offer flexible engagement terms and waived advanced retainers for small business contractors. We additionally offer legal solutions on a short and medium-term subscription basis to small business clients needing ongoing but limited-term focused federal contracts law counsel.

So our clients and prospective clients may understand and stay up to date with their rights and options throughout the federal procurement lifecycle, we provide a dedicated Featured Insights Federal Procurement section on our website and other firm channels. While these articles do not constitute legal advice, they often serve as a good initial resource for prospective clients. Contractors use these insights to contextualize and assess the circumstances surrounding their own federal procurement law matters, allowing them to seek legal counsel from a better-informed position.

Existing clients may also access featured insight articles specific to their industry and points of interest on their respective dedicated TILLIT LAW PLLC Client Portals. Some of the most recent Federal Procurement Featured Insights are also provided on this page for ease of reference.

Federal Procurement Featured Insights Schedule Consultation


  • Formation Issues

  • Regulatory Compliance

  • Subcontractor & Teaming Agreements
  • Suspensions & Debarments


  • Mentor-Protégé Program & JVs
  • SBA Protests & Appeals
  • Small Business Programs & Compliance


  • Contract Award

  • Changes & Performance Issues

  • Requests for Equitable Adjustment

  • Termination for Convenience & Default


  • Bid Protests

  • Claims Litigation

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution


  • GWAC/IDIQ/OTA/BPA & GSA Schedule Compliance

  • Organizational Risk & Conflict of Interests Assessments

Featured Insights

Proposal Timeliness Rules and Exceptions in Negotiated Procurements .jpg

In negotiated procurements, contractors must meet strict timeliness requirements when responding to the government’s requests for proposals (RFPs) or risk being excluded from consideration for an award. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) § 15.208 outlines the general rules for the timeliness of proposals in negotiated procurements, along with their relevant exceptions. Prospective contractors are responsible for submitting proposals in...


The Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 215.408(5) requires contracting officers (CO) to insert the provision at DFARS 252.215-7010 when reasonably certain that the submission of certified cost or pricing data or data other than the certified cost or pricing data is required, or in procurements where there is only one offer and the provision at DFARS 252.215-7008 is utilized. This requirement to include the provision at DFARS...


The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) prescribes the use of Limitation of Costs or Funds clauses in cost-reimbursable contracts that are either fully or incrementally funded. These clauses require contractors to follow specific procedures to notify the contracting officer (CO) when anticipated costs on a cost-reimbursable contract exceed a pre-determined threshold (typically 75 percent of the estimated costs), provide a revised estimate of...
