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Traditional Breach of Contract Claims in the Absence of a Differing Site Conditions Clause

The primary method for managing risks associated with latent physical conditions encountered in construction projects is the differing site conditions clause in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.236-2. Since fully redressable claims under specifically included contract clauses may not be brought under separate breach of contract claims, most claims for hidden site conditions are brought under the differing site conditions clause. However, certain federal contracts for smaller construction projects awarded through simplified procedures, and some custom-negotiated construction contracts may lack a well-defined differing site conditions clause. In such cases, contractors must pursue their claims arising out of unforeseen conditions, such as claims related to subsurface conditions under traditional breach of contract theories. Additionally, when faced with unforeseeable events like extreme and unpredictable weather or unanticipated changes in labor conditions that are not typically covered by the differing site conditions clause, construction contractors may opt to initiate breach of contract claims to recover their increased costs.

The Government’s non-disclosure or misrepresentation of information material to site conditions are two breach of contract actions available to construction contractors in such situations. To be successful in a non-disclosure claim, the construction contractor must demonstrate that the Government possessed information pertinent to a material site condition, which it failed to disclose to the contractor. The contractor must also establish that the presence of the material site condition could not have been readily determined through a site inspection or other reasonable methods. Government misrepresentation is the other breach of contract claim commonly applicable in contracts without a differing site conditions clause. A misrepresentation claim is essentially based on the Government breaching its duty to disclose its superior knowledge of the site condition. To prove that the Government breached its duty to disclose, the Court of Federal Claims (COFC) has previously required that the contractor demonstrate Government culpability. One way of demonstrating Government culpability is by proving that the Government knew that the contractor was unaware of the differing site conditions. However, the Federal Circuit has recently rejected the Government culpability requirement, making contractor claims easier to prove in such situations. Therefore, depending upon the circumstances, the adjudicative forum’s analysis for a breach of contract claim for Government misrepresentation is similar if not identical to a differing site conditions claim.

A simple yet effective example demonstrating the application of these non-disclosure and misrepresentation actions is J.A. Jones Constr. Co. v. United States, 390 F.2d 886 (Ct. Cl. 1968). In this old but oft-cited case involving changed labor conditions, the construction contractor sought recovery for increased labor costs because it had to pay premium labor rates to achieve timely performance. The premium on labor costs was necessary due to a labor shortage exacerbated by another ongoing high-priority construction program in the area. The Government argued that ascertaining labor conditions was solely the construction contractor’s responsibility as the contract contained a pre-bid site investigation provision. According to the Government, the site investigation provision required the contractor to be aware of general and local site conditions, including the availability of labor. However, the Court ruled in favor of the contractor because it determined that Government personnel were aware of the potential labor shortage caused by the other construction program in the area. Meanwhile, the contractor was unaware of the other project and consequently, its probable consequences on labor costs. The Court further determined that the Government had actual or constructive knowledge of the contractor’s ignorance regarding the other project. However, despite this knowledge, Government personnel failed to disclose the pertinent information to the contractor during the formation phase, and the Government was therefore responsible for the increased cost of performance.

Construction contractors facing situations involving differing site conditions should bring their claims under an applicable differing site conditions clause as the preferred method of action because doing so likely maximizes their recovery options. However, it is important to note that even without a well-defined differing site conditions clause, contractors may still pursue claims for unforeseen site conditions under traditional breach of contract theories such as non-disclosure, misrepresentation, breach of implied warranty, or mutual mistake. While successful recovery under these traditional theories is generally more complex and challenging than relying on a well-defined differing site conditions clause, contractors in such situations need not get discouraged as recovery for increased costs incurred is still possible under traditional breach of contract actions.

This Federal Contract Claims Insight is provided as a general summary of the applicable law in the practice area and does not constitute legal advice. Contractors wishing to learn more are encouraged to consult the TILLIT LAW PLLC Client Portal or Contact Us to determine how the law would apply in a specific situation.

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The impracticability of performance doctrine is applicable in situations where the contractor’s performance of a contract, although not impossible, is rendered impracticable due to a problem encountered that was unforeseen at the time of formation of the contract. This impracticability of performance may be caused by a variety of unforeseen situations faced by the contractor during performance, including substantial increases in costs, significant problems encountered, or technological changes. Contractors must satisfy at least three conditions for the doctrine of impracticability to be applicable. First, the contractor must demonstrate that an unexpected condition or contingency occurred during the performance of the contract. Secondly, the contractor must show that it did not assume the risk of that contingency either expressly or through trade usage or custom. Finally, the contractor must prove that the unexpected condition or contingency caused the impracticability of performance.

Existence of Unexpected Condition or Contingency

The claim adjudicating forum may consider several factors to determine whether an unexpected condition or contingency exists. For instance, it may consider whether any other similarly situated contractor could have performed the contract. That is, whether the requirements or conditions are subjectively impractical for the contractor bringing the claim or impractical for any contractor in its position. Another factor to consider is the extent of the contractor’s efforts to meet the performance requirements in face of the contingency. Generally, the contractor must demonstrate that it was diligent and exhaustive in its attempts to perform the contract. In cases where the contractor alleges commercial impracticality or unfeasibility, it must prove that the performance costs would be so high that performing the contract would not make commercial sense. Notably, non-substantial increases in contract price will not result in successful commercial impracticability claims.


The presumption of good faith presumes that government officials carry out their obligations during the performance of a government contract in good faith. The presumption is at its strongest when contractors allege quasi-criminal wrongdoing by government personnel acting in the course of their official duties. To overcome the presumption of good faith in this context, contractors must present “well-nigh irrefragable” proof. In other words, contractors must present evidence that cannot be refuted or disproved. Compared to the three standards of proof generally recognized by courts, the “well-nigh irrefragable” proof standard is the closest to the clear and convincing standard. This standard imposes a heavier burden on the contractor than imposed by the preponderance of the evidence standard but a somewhat lighter burden than requiring proof beyond a reasonable doubt, reserved for criminal cases. Clear and convincing evidence has also been described as evidence that produces an abiding conviction in the mind of the judge that the truth of the factual contention is highly probable.

The presumption of good faith can be difficult to overcome when applied in the context of allegations of quasi-criminal wrongdoing by government officials. Nevertheless, contractors may meet the “well-nigh irrefragable” proof standard if they present evidence of the government’s specific intent to injure the contractor. Such evidence may include government actions that amount to bad faith. Bad faith actions are motivated by malice, animus, conspiracy, or otherwise part of a course of governmental conduct designed to be oppressive. In the absence of evidence of the government officials’ specific intent to injure it, the contractor will find it challenging to overcome the strong presumption that the government’s administrative actions are correct and taken in good faith. Overcoming the presumption of good faith may be particularly difficult when a significant amount of time has passed between the occurrence of the underlying events and the contractor’s subsequent allegations of bad faith.


Contractors often have difficulty recovering delays in fixed-price construction contracts because they generally assume the risk of unexpected performance cost increases that are not the government's fault. When applicable, the Default (Fixed-Price Construction) clause at Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) § 52.249-10 provides the conditions required for construction contractors to show that any delays in their performance were excusable. Specifically, FAR § 52.249-10 (b) lists examples of delays that may be excusable in fixed-price construction contracts provided the general requirements of the clause are demonstrably met. It is crucial that contractors meticulously review the causes of excusable delays and the specific language of the included default clause in their contract to adequately understand their recovery options. Some examples of events or causes for excusable delay include:

  • Acts of God
  • Sovereign government actions
  • Acts of other contractors performing on a government contract
  • Fires, floods, and unusually severe weather
  • Epidemics and quarantine restrictions
  • Strikes
  • Freight embargoes
  • Excusable delays subcontractors or suppliers

Contractors may sometimes make mistakes due to erroneous assumptions during the formation of federal contracts. Such mistakes may include an inaccurate assessment of costs, level of effort, or scope of the contract. For certain such mistakes, contractors may be able to obtain relief if the government shares their mistaken belief during the formation of the contract. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) § 14.407-4(a) permits the correction of such mistakes through contract modifications, provided the mistake is not discovered until after award and if other requirements of the section are met. To obtain recovery based on the theory of mutual mistake, the contractor must demonstrate that: (1) the government and the contractor were both mistaken in their belief regarding a fact, (2) that mistaken belief constituted a basic assumption underlying the contract, (3) the mistake had a material effect on the bargain struck by the parties, and (4) the contractor did not assume the risk of the mistake. If successful in proving these elements of mutual mistake, contractors may be able to obtain monetary relief or relief from their obligation of performance on the contract.

Mutuality of Belief


Traditional Breach of Contract Claims in the Absence of a Differing Site Conditions Clause

TILLIT LAW Federal Contract Claims Insights