
Considerations in Filing Contract Interpretation Claims with Significant Monetary Consequences

A federal contract interpretation claim may involve requests for the meaning of contractual words, determination of the manner in which the contractor must undertake performance or supply of missing terms. Since the Contract Disputes Act (CDA) does not define a claim, adjudicative forums look to the definition of a claim provided in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The FAR § 2.101 defines a claim as a written demand or assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or interpretation of contract terms, or other relief arising under or relating to the contract. Thus, the FAR definition of a claim includes non-monetary claims such as for the adjustment and interpretation of contract terms and claims for other relief. However, even claims for contract interpretation may have significant monetary consequences. Since the CDA requires certification of contractor claims over $100,000, contractors may consider certifying such contract interpretation claims to avoid potential dismissals for lack of certification in subsequent appeals. Including certifications can be particularly beneficial when a contractor has already incurred costs related to the claim at the time of submission, as such claims are often monetary claims disguised as interpretation claims.

In ASBCA 62736, a dismissal decision issued on December 5, 2024, the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) ruled that contractors must certify their contract interpretation claims the Board’s decision on which would have monetary consequences greater than the statutory threshold of $100,000, especially when the contractor has begun incurring costs in connection with those claims at the time of their submission. Prior to the appeal, the contractor submitted its initial contract interpretation claim on July 8, 2020, arguing that the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) embedded design specifications as opposed to performance specifications in its contract for construction at the Brussels American School. That claim was denied and later became the subject of the present appeal. In its complaint filed at the ASBCA, the contractor stated that when submitting its contract interpretation claim, it had anticipated submitting a future request for equitable adjustment (REA) for a substantial price adjustment and schedule extension. Subsequently, on April 20, 2021, having already incurred costs relating to the interpretation claim, the contractor submitted its REA to the CO seeking over 5.1 million euros in damages and 910 days of schedule relief concerning a mechanical system at the school building.

Meanwhile, in the contract interpretation appeal before the ASBCA, the parties filed a joint motion to dismiss all but one count of the contractor’s complaint. The joint motion provided additional details about the contractor’s REA and informed the Board that the contractor planned on submitting a supplemental REA on the mechanical system issue. The joint motion also provided that the contractor intended to convert the mechanical system REA and its supplements into one or more CDA claims before presenting it to the CO. Once the ASBCA granted the parties’ joint motion, USACE filed a motion to dismiss the remaining count of the appeal for lack of jurisdiction. In its motion to dismiss, the agency argued that the contractor had failed to present the pertinent portion of its complaint to the CO for a final decision. Alternatively, the government took the position that the contractor’s contract interpretation appeal should be dismissed in full as the interpretation request was now a monetary claim, which had not yet been presented to the CO for a final decision. In response, the contractor requested that the Board allow the remaining count of the complaint to proceed as a contract interpretation claim and, in no event, dismiss the appeal with prejudice as the resolution of the specifications issue would be required to adjudicate the contractor’s future monetary claims.

The ASBCA granted the agency’s motion to dismiss, noting that the CDA requires claims over the statutory $100,000 threshold to be certified by the contractor. Importantly, the Board noted that at the time of submitting its contract interpretation claim, the contractor had already begun incurring costs related to the design specifications issue, which were later reflected in the April 2021 REA. Therefore, when the contractor first submitted its contract interpretation claim, it had the ability to quantify and submit a monetary claim to the CO but chose not to do so. It follows that the contractor’s claim was, in fact, a demand for monetary damages disguised as a contract interpretation claim. At a minimum, the Board’s decision on the contractor’s contract interpretation claim could impact a future claim with significant monetary consequences. Additionally, because the amount of money in dispute in this case was well over the $100,000 statutory threshold, the contractor was required to certify its claim, which it failed to do. Consequently, the ASBCA dismissed the contractor’s appeal for contract interpretation without prejudice.

Contractors should consider attaching a certification to their contract interpretation claims when they anticipate that the underlying interpretation issues may have monetary consequences over the $100,000 statutory threshold. By including a certification, contractors may avoid having to resubmit their interpretation claim as a separate monetary claim to the CO. It is worth noting that claims containing defective certifications may be corrected during appeals litigation. However, claims over the statutory threshold lacking certification must be dismissed. Including a certification may also be beneficial when the contractor incurs costs related to the interpretation issue between the initial submission of the claim and the appeal of that interpretation claim. Finally, as a practical consideration, many, if not most, contract interpretation claims have some monetary consequences, even if such claims are only being used to entitle the contractor to damages in a separate future proceeding. Therefore, when submitting contract interpretation claims on large or technically complex contracts, contractors should consider attaching a certification since a decision on their claim may not merely avoid costs but also come with significant monetary consequences.

This Federal Contract Claims Insight is provided as a general summary of the applicable law in the practice area and does not constitute legal advice. Contractors wishing to learn more are encouraged to consult the TILLIT LAW PLLC Client Portal or Contact Us to determine how the law would apply in a specific situation.

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A Contract Disputes Act (CDA) claim meets the mandatory “sum certain” requirement when the contractor has submitted to the contracting officer (CO) a clear and unequivocal statement that gives the CO adequate notice of the basis and amount of the claim. While the CDA provides no definition of a claim, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) § 2.101 defines a government contract “claim” as a written demand or assertion by a contracting party seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a “sum certain.” This “sum certain” requirement contained within the FAR definition of a claim was considered jurisdictional until the Federal Circuit’s relatively recent decision in ECC International, LLC v. Secretary of the Army, 79 F.4th 1364 (2023). In the much publicized ECC decision, the Federal Circuit held that the “sum certain” requirement was not a jurisdictional prerequisite for a CDA claim but a mandatory claim-processing rule that claimants must follow. Since parties may raise jurisdictional issues at any time during appeals litigation, the ECC decision has practically limited the government’s “sum certain” challenges to motions for dismissal for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, brought at the outset of the appeals litigation.


A claim under the Contract Disputes Act (CDA) must first be presented to and denied by the contracting officer (CO) before it can be appealed to a Board of Contract Appeals (BCA) or the Court of Federal Claims (COFC). Adjudicative forums have consistently held the CDA’s presentment requirement to be jurisdictional. That is, for a BCA or the COFC to exercise jurisdiction over a CDA appeal, the underlying claim must first have been presented to the CO for a final decision. Contractors may satisfy the presentment requirement by submitting the claim to the CO in accordance with the requirements of the CDA. While the CDA does not require the claim to be submitted in a particular form, it must typically provide a clear and unequivocal statement that gives the CO adequate notice of the basis and amount of the claim. The CO must then issue a final decision on the claim. The contractor may appeal the CO’s final decision at a BCA or the COFC within 90 days or 12 months, respectively.

In Avant Assessment v. U.S., No. 20-1185C, a decision issued on May 7, 2024, the COFC dismissed an appeal from a CDA claim for a lack of subject matter jurisdiction because the contractor failed to first present its claim to the CO. The appeal was part of a long-running litigation relating to contracts first issued by the U.S. Army in 2011 for foreign language testing materials to assess the proficiency of military linguists. The Army terminated the contracts for default in 2013, but following a successful appeal at the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA), the default termination was converted into a termination for the government’s convenience. Following the successful convenience conversions, the contractor submitted termination settlement proposals to the CO, which were denied. After the CO’s denial, the contractor again appealed the CO’s final decision to the ASBCA. Notably, during the discovery phase in the second round of ASBCA litigation, the contractor learned that the government had not only retained the rejected testing materials but also “used” them by transferring them to a third party. Therefore, the contractor demanded payment for the rejected test materials. The contractor alleged that the Army had constructively accepted the rejected testing materials by retaining and using them after rejection. Alternatively, the contractor argued that the Army improperly rejected the testing materials. The ASBCA dismissed a large portion of the contractor’s claim for lack of jurisdiction since the contractor’s constructive acceptance claims had not first been first presented to the CO.


The Contract Disputes Act (CDA) requires the federal government and its contractors to assert claims against the other party within six years of claim accrual, after which the claim is barred. However, the CDA does not define when the claim begins to accrue, which may sometimes complicate the statute of limitation calculation for contractors, especially when defending government’s claims. To determine when government claims begin to accrue, contractors must look to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the terms of the underlying contract, and the facts and circumstances surrounding the particular contract. Since multiple factors are implicated in determining the accrual date, it may not always be evident whether the government’s claim is timely. Such lack of clarity may be particularly applicable in government claims concerning allowability of contractor costs in cost-reimbursable settings. Specifically, it may be challenging to determine the date of accrual of government’s cost claims in situations where payments are made in advance based on provisional billing rates and the contractor later fails to adequately demonstrate the allowability of billed costs in its final cost rate proposals.


While the Contract Disputes Act provides no definition of a claim, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) § 2.101 defines a claim as a written demand or assertion by one of the contracting parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of a sum certain arising under or relating to the contract. The FAR further provides that a routine request for payment that is not in dispute when submitted is not a claim. However, such submissions may be converted to a claim by written notice to the contracting officer as provided in FAR § 33.206(a) if it is disputed as to the liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time. Finally, the FAR requires claims over $100,000 to be certified. To assess whether a submission is a CDA claim rather than a request for equitable adjustment (REA), contractors may typically look to three objective criteria:

  1. The submission meets the definition of a “claim”
  2. The submission includes a CDA certification
  3. The contractor must request a final decision from the contracting officer

Despite these objective criteria, it may not always be clear when an REA is converted into a “claim,” the denial or deemed denial of which can be appealed to a Board of Contract Appeals or the Court of Federal Claims (COFC). On August 29, 2024, the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA) in ASBCA No. 63197 issued a decision on a government’s motion to dismiss for the contractor’s failure to convert an REA into a CDA claim. The underlying contract for medical coding services was issued by the Army in January 2018 using the government-provided browser-based Application Virtualization Hosting Environment (AVHE) for the United States Medical Command. Almost two years later, on November 18, 2019, the contractor submitted a “Request for Price Modification” seeking various cost adjustments. The pertinent portion of the request sought costs for lost production due to the government-imposed downtime for the AVHE system. In February 2021, the contractor provided supporting material to validate downtime costs in response to a government request for additional information. In July 2021, the contractor submitted a revised request for price modification labeled “Request for Equitable Adjustment,” seeking payment for downtime costs in the amount of $615,199 categorized as an unexpected loss.


Considerations in Filing Contract Interpretation Claims with Significant Monetary Consequences

TILLIT LAW Federal Contract Claims Insights